Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday Secrets: Apr 13, 2008

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard. I find it to be an amazing sociological experiment. These are the secrets resonated with me today:

Part of the problem with our English language is the use of the pronouns he and she to try and convey huge ideas that are more formless than corporal. I believe God is one such idea. Calling God "Father" or "He" has messed up the idea of God for a lot of people, including one of my sisters. It's a shame. We had a dad that was really tough to live with when we were kids. To think that God is equated with that version of our dad ... or even the old man with the beard and book of names ...

::shaking head::

I'm so glad my own understanding has grown to a different place.

:: wry smile ::

Yeah ... I'd like to THINK that, too! I know I've had some influence, but the marvelous humans that are my daughters were amazing creatures when they emerged from my body. They have their own minds, their own spirits. It was lucky happenstance that I was picked to instill some of my values and life and love in them.

ROFL !!!

No. I never did anything like this. But I've THOUGHT about doing things like this! There is an evil part of this wild child that would love to stir up a ruckus, to cause a bit of discomfort in others who appear 'false' to me. I don't wish harm. Just an outward sign of their folly.

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