Saturday, January 26, 2008

Day 530: We All Have Our Vices

I added this new photograph to Creative Journey in my Photography section, My Drug of Choice

If it's Saturday, it must be Jenny! I lost just under two pounds this week. Go me.

:: sigh ::

I'm realllllllllllly happy with the weight loss. Slowly and steadily, it's coming off. One my my friends from St. George's Quilters now greets me with, "Hey, you skinny bitch!" That's a first!

I am starting to get a bit of tired of the food, though. That goes in waves. Most of the time, the food's just great. So little thinking has to go into preparing food and eating any more. But now and then ... I just wish for a bag of Fiery Habanero Doritos!

In the mean time, I stick with the plan, knowing that in about three weeks, I get to be treated to a nice steak dinner at the Outback. I miss my red meat! (Ah! But my heart is happy).

I also miss the extremely occasional margarita (I have one all of three times a year). So to get my citrus-y fix, I stick to diet orange Sunkist.
oh ... and for you other Fiery Habanero fans, just check out these earrings!

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