Sunday, January 20, 2008

Your Gifts

I've begun a new tool that I use to help me keep my brain chemistry in balance. It's a simple 3-ring binder. So far, it contains just a few pages:

  • Two photographs of myself — one as a 10 year old child; one taken on a day where my girls and I had a memorable time of bonding. I look beautiful in both.
  • A collage I made — some of my life goals in images and words.
  • A list of things I can do that calm me, help me feel special. Any one item takes only 15 min.
  • My Personal Mission Statement — something I wrote that speaks to the person I wish to present to the world, my truest self.
  • A love letter from my husband, detailing what he finds unique in me.
  • A collection of quotations — some of the nicest words people have ever said to me and some words I long to hear.
I've been glancing through these pages each night before I go to sleep. It's my way of fulfilling the phrase above. To remind myself each evening of the best I have to offer, then rest well, encourages me to live that life each morning when I awaken.

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