Monday, March 23, 2009

Pushing Through the Sadness

I need this today. I need a mother today. Mine is gone. My husband's mother doesn't fill the bill. My grandma has been gone a long, long time.

But I need a mom today.

So I guess I have to go inside and pull the mother out of me. My daughters say I'm a good one. They say they can talk to me about anything ... which is pretty good coming from girls in their mid-teens and twenties. Maybe it's time to talk to myself.

Or to listen to myself.

I feel a lethargy and sadness today. It's been really hard to shake. I do OK for about a half hour, then sink into it again.

So it's time to take August's advice. It's time to "get up from there and be the glorious girl you are!"

Because I don't feel glorious today.

So I need to talk myself into persisting in love, and going forward anyway.


Julie and I watched the movie version of The Secret Life of Bees when she was home on Spring Break. Unfortunately, our viewing time kept getting interrupted during prime moments, so we were denied some of the emotional continuity of the film.

It's a shame. Because the movie was good ... and I cried my eyes out when I read the book.


[And yes, I see that some of the quotation marks are out of place in the graphic, but I don't feel like taking the time to fix it. Imperfect is good enough today. The meaning still comes through.]

1 comment:

Kathryn in NZ said...

I saw that the movie was available, and thought of you!

Hug vibes coming your way