Friday, October 4, 2019

I Sewed a Thing

Actually, two things.

A while back I found this tutorial online on Gabriel's Good Tidings blog. It's called Men's Dress Shirt Repurposed to Apron. That looked like fun. And it just so happened that Dale had a couple shirts he'd put in the charity box. I pulled them out ... and there they sat in my Studio for months. It appears that I often need "incubation time" before an idea becomes reality. It's my process.

Front of first apron

So this week I pulled the shirts out, and refashioned them into aprons I can wear while working in my Studio. After all, I wouldn't want to mess up that ratty t-shirt and my grey sweatpants!

Back of first apron

I followed the instructions fairly closely. It was an easy pattern. I did do some extra reinforcing of the seam around the neck.

Side of first apron

When I tried the apron on, there was quite a bit of gapiosis around the bustline. So I added in darts that allowed the apron to fit better around my chest.

The model forgot to brush her hair

The first apron was so easy last night, that I decided to go ahead and make a second apron this morning.

She's pretty proud of herself, don't you think?

After my sewing project, I tidied up my Studio in hope that I can do a painting project next. That will be an ideal excuse to use my new cover-ups.

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