Monday, October 28, 2019

The Two Biggest Goals Yet

Recall how I said I'm an overachiever? Well here are two more of my 19 in 2019 Goals that have been met. And these are doozies.

Goal #15: Purge and organize storage shelves in exercise (storage) room.

This was a goal I wanted to complete for years. I thought it was going to be a horrendous job. Four levels of storage that are 25 inches deep and about 12 feet wide.

There were decorations for every season, boxes and boxes of mementos, more picture frames than I care to admit (I have a sickness: buying used picture frames at thrift stores), many rolls of wrapping paper and gift boxes and gift bags, and sentimental items that belonged to my parents. I went through every box, every item.

It was not as difficult as I imagined it would be. Look what I accomplished!

While I was in the mood, I cleared out my Studio, too. I gave away a lot of materials I wasn't using to make additional space for more current interests. I figured I could rearrange the entire room and start from scratch.  So it went from here ...

to here.

OK ... but where is the furniture that was in the meditation room / photo studio? Oh, that went into the library.

Hold it!

H - O - L - D  IT!

Something suspicious is going on. I saw a suitcase in that last photo. Now you have furniture stacked and lined up like soldiers on the march.

Well, now!

Yes, this is happening!


Alternate Goal #28: Move to Oregon

Dale and I bought a cute little place in west Eugene. We're having the interior of the house painted from stem to stern this week, and will have all new flooring installed soon. We're mostly packed, have moved in a few essentials, and will be living in Oregon full time before Thanksgiving.

It's official!

(Our home as seen through a bug-laden windshield the day before we officially became owners)

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