Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Sky is Falling!

Well, the pine needles are falling, anyway. We had a big wind storm last week. Time for the annual raking of the pine needles. So far, we've got four huge 60 gallon contractor's bags full. But this is only the first wave we'll need to rake. Much more wind is sure to come before the end of autumn, and many, many more pine needles will blow onto the grass.

While gathering the pine needles into piles, I saw this unusual clump.

On closer inspection, I realized it was a bird's nest. But it was quite flattened, either by the fall, or by one of our cars running over it.

Rather than built from twigs, this nest is primarily made of grasses, with a few pine needles woven in for good measure. But there were some odd white bits, too.

The big surprise was turning the nest over to see that the entire interior was lined in soft white fibers.

Feathers? No.

Dryer lint? No.

On closer inspection, it appears to be some type of polyester fiberfill! Dale and I surmised that it may have come from our next door neighbor's yard. He has a number of autos in his yard in various stages of repair -- some with windows open and the car seats exposed.

It's very possible that our clever bird friends helped themselves to some seat stuffing to pad their nest.

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