Monday, November 25, 2019

Light and Shadow

One of the interesting things about moving into a new home for a photographer is watching how light and shadow play on the walls at different times of day. This is a morning photo taken from the second story near our foyer. There is light coming in from the east from a window to the right of this window which faces north.

The walls forming this corner are the exact same shade of grey, but they look quite different due to the light. The window casing is a stark bright white, but appears grey here. The tree's shadows seen through the window are dancing on the grey of our next door neighbor's house.

I love all these variations of tone. With the high ceilings and the many windows, the light changes in the house throughout the day. It's going to be fun to find these nuggets of beautiful lighting throughout the house and then use them to my advantage. In our Post Falls house, it was morning light in the dining room that I exploited, and the twilight light on the front porch. We have many more windows here, and both sunrise and sunset light to play with since we no longer live in a gully.

What great exploration I have ahead of me!

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