Saturday, September 19, 2020

Beam Me Up

 Our new coffee table for the living room arrived today! It's ... unusual. Very modern. Stark bright white with a laminated finish, so it's easy to clean and resistant to water rings from glasses being left on top.

It's low to the floor, so is the perfect height for putting our feet up to relax. The space-age lines are a great juxtaposition to our "granny couch and love seat." The coffee table softens the lines of the chrome and glass side tables by helping them look less modern in comparison. 

But the part we giggle about the most is that at night, it lights up! So far we're enjoying a steady white light. But if we ever get in a dance mood, the lights can change colors, fade in and out, blink, or strobe.

One of these days our granddaughters will get to visit and we'll get to have a Dance Party in person instead of only on video chats. I'm positive Melody and Annalee with get a huge kick out the lightshow. 

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