Sunday, January 3, 2021

Jumpstarting an Old Habit

In Gretchen Rubin's book Better Than Before, my favorite happiness expert explores twenty-one strategies to make good habits and break bad habits. In the strategy of pairing, she suggests tying two tasks together, so that one habit starts to seem incomplete without doing the other.

I'm attempting to get back in the habit of my daily walks. My intention is to go for a walk after lunch, rain or shine (because, face it, there's a lot of rain in Oregon winters). 

This year I also want to listen to more audiobooks. I have an Audible account, and have already garnered an intriguing library of books that I've not yet listened to.

I need motivation for both of these habits. So I'm going to use the strategy of pairing. I'll go for my walk while listening to a good audiobook. I'll listen to that audiobook only while on my walk. So if I want to find out what happens next in the book, I must put my shoes on and get out the door.

For this to work, I'll need to really want to listen to the book, not pick a book I think I should listen to because it will be good for me. So I've decided to start with a book by one of my favorite comics, Celeste Barber: Challenge Accepted!

If you're not familiar with Celeste's work, I highly recommend checking out her Instagram feed. If imitation is the greatest form of flattery, Celeste is flattering an awful lot of Instagram influencers and models while provoking belly laughs heard all around the world.

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