Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Time Has Come

I've been carrying this book with me from home to home for nearly 30 years. I plucked it off the shelf today intending to read through the introduction so I can decide it it's finally the year for me to work through it, or the year to give it away. I bought At A Journal Workshop: Writing to Access the Unconscious and Evoke Creative Ability all those years ago because the very title spoke to a deep aspiration.

What would it be like to have the time, the money, the headspace, the self-indulgence, and the emotional fortitude to go to an intensive journal workshop? That sounded like heaven to me.

But it never happened. When I opened the book today, it was clear that I'd never even cracked the cover.

This year, I'm exploring a different way to journal. For several years now, I've written Morning Pages as taught in Julia Cameron's The Artist Way. I like that method of journaling. It worked well for me -- until it didn't when the pandemic hit. I haven't been journaling for six months, and I miss the practice.

From what I've read so far in the book, and from the YouTube videos I've watched about this method, "intense" is an understatement. Some of the method sounds awfully familiar from other self-help psychology books I've worked though -- and they were intense. Will this be repetitive? Have I already done this inner work? Am I up for it? Maybe. I'll see.

One way or another, this book and I will have a new conclusion this year.

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