Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Tuesday Travels: Geocaching

For my birthday this year, I asked that Dale, Jeanne, and Jodie join me on a full day of geocaching. I so love that activity! But I was sick. The outing was canceled. Whah!

So instead of visiting parks today, Dale and I went to a new-to-us part of town to do some local geocaching for a few hours.

It was threatening to storm all day, but we managed to get out in between the raindrops. It was overcast and in the mid-40s. That's usually good geocaching weather. But there was a brisk wind that kept us from searching for any one cache for too long.

Geocaches are often hidden in cemeteries. Today we found one in an old cemetery on top of a hill, hidden between rows of big houses. Unfortunately, quite a number of the headstones and monuments have been vandalized. Yet what remains are works of art.

This large monument was in a family plot. A child had died.

Three sides of this monument were intact, but the fourth side had been vandalized. Such a shame.

Near the cache in the cemetery I found the big painted rock. I found the smaller rock near another cache. Two more for my collection. I'll re-hide these once I'm done admiring them.

Altogether we found six caches (and couldn't find three) in 3-1/2 hours. We even found two in neighborhood parks, so I guess I can add Skyview Park and Hawkins Heights to our Eugene Park Tour.

The best cache of the day was inside the "attic" of a Little Free Library in a quiet neighborhood. It was quite clever. I left some extra swag there for the next cache enthusiast to discover.

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