Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Flying High

I found one of the most interesting puzzles I've ever put together at a thrift store! It's this beautiful image of hot air balloons.

It came in this very innocuous box. Very plain. No idea what the puzzle looks like. It's only a vivid color-blocked box top with a hard-to-read title.

But the side of the box said this: Dynamic Dimensional Depth Puzzle - 3-D Visions. That's when I saw the hot air balloons. 

When I peeked inside, these are the puzzle pieces that surprised me. They are very thick with cardboard layers on the bottom, then a print layer, then a plastic layer on top.

When the pieces fit together, it's a very distinct fit. You can really feel them snap into place. The pieces have this striped effect if you hold them just right in the light. That helped me figure out which direction the pieces belonged which was very helpful since all the pieces are this traditional puzzle shape and very close in size.

On this close up, you can see the "double vision" effect of the balloon shapes. That print, along with the striped plastic top are what give the puzzle the 3-D effect.

I was unable to take a clear photo that showed off the effect in it's best light. The balloons do feel like they are at different distances in the finished puzzle. There was something about this puzzle that made it very difficult for Dale to work on. He puts puzzles together using different strategies than I use, in part due to color blindness and reliance on shape. I use color as my first strategy. As long as I had good lighting, this puzzle was a blast for me.

Because the puzzle pieces are so thick and snapped together so securely, I was able to pick the entire puzzle up in one piece when it was completed. Very satisfying.

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