Friday, January 4, 2008

Routines and Discipline

Over the last three+ years I've been an active follower of Flylady. I've been a list maker for eons. Great at planning. Love to cross things off my lists. But tend to add on more than I can finish. That left me always feeling behind.

Flylady's system helped me learn to put those things I need to get done into a daily routine, then to have the discipline to follow through. It's taken me a while to learn, but the results are great. There's a lot less stress around here. Monster Mommy does not come out of her cave all that often any more.

One of the greatest lessons I learned by following this system is the sentiment embodied in the above quotation. By putting the everyday stuff into simple routines and having the discipline to follow through, it opened up much more of my time to concentrate on special projects — to set me free to fly on this Creative Journey of mine.

Some think discipline is a straight jacket that makes life boring. To me, it's the structure around which I can build my days, knowing I've set aside time to spread my wings.

I'm still trying to make exercise a normal and regular part of the plan. This challenge has come in fits and starts. So time to get off the computer, and onto the elliptical. I'll be happy when Spring arrives and I can easily go on my walks again. Maybe then I'll be apt to start taking daily photos to post, too.

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