Friday, August 15, 2008

Express Yourself

Hmmm. Why the heck did I pick this quote half a month ago?


Yes. I am 50. I still do nutty things. I'm remembered for them.

The other day my friend and I were at the grocery store in the produce section. Her cell phone rang ... to quite the jazzy tune. So ... I started dancing. Of course. Isn't that what most 50 year old women do with their best friends in an upscale town grocery store's produce section?

Uh. Guess not. But the kid who was restocking the ears of corn thought we were amusing. We shared a laugh and some pleasantries.

Back in the produce section again today, the kid looks at us and says, "Hey! You're still smiling!"
"Yeah. But we lost our dance. We'll have to get our groove on another way until the phone rings again."

Truly silly stuff. Atypical for this place and other 50 year olds in the area. But ... memorable, yes?

My "attractiveness" may not be the same as young sleek leggy women. But by just being who I am, I tend to set off a bit of a glow.

Works for me.

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