Thursday, August 21, 2008

Passing It On

I've been spending way too much time over on Facebook in the last few days. One of my high school classmates started up a Class of '75 group and contacted a bunch of classmates. Now we're all building profiles, scrambling to try and put married names with maiden names, faces from 30+ years ago with aging mugs, and pulling long-dusty memories out to make present-day connections. My hands smell like mildew from riffling through the pages of my senior annual.

It's been interesting.

One aspect, of course, is that now our children are the ages that WE were when we met and learned together. Posted are lots of high school graduation photos of our lads and lassies ... with us as the proud parents.
[Note to self: add photos of my own kids' graduations to Facebook]

Looking at our profiles, we find that most of us are just good common people, scattered across the country, doing everyday middle-class stuff like working decent jobs (long-haul truck drivers to computer analysts), raising children, enjoying our vacations and hobbies as we can, trying to get along with spouses and extended families.

In the photos, some of us look like life has beaten us up a bit. Others look remarkable — much the way we did as we walked the hallowed halls of Fullerton High. And many, many of us have expanded our gene pool to the next generation ... our children ... who are living out hopes and dreams of which we'll likely only get to see the beginning stages.

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