Saturday, August 16, 2008

Who Matters

One thing about blogging ...

It sure is an open forum to say what's on your mind.

The statistics for my blog say that I get about 25 visitors on a typical day. Now, I know that four of those are usually my immediate family. I know that some are friends that I invite to pop in to see my photos. And I know some regular visitors are members of some of the same stitching groups that I belong to.

I'm not so sure who the other folks are. I was surprised to learn today that one of my best friend's sisters stopped by. That's cool.

Maybe if I was aware of just who it is that pops in on me, I'd be more cautious about what I write here. So in a way, I'm glad I'm somewhat unaware of those identities because I feel like I'm starting to get in a groove about what I feel like sharing here. If I thought too much about who was reading it and their perceived opinion of me, I might edit myself too much. I was editing myself more when I first started this blog.

Then I learned that the blogs I enjoy reading are those where the writer told a bit about their family life and opinions in addition to talking about their interests. So I've been doing a bit more of that over the last few months.

I've been injecting a bit more of my humor, too. It can be a little *different* ... I was often razzed about it as I grew up ... but it's me. So I've been practicing being brave enough to put it out there.

After all ... the people that mind don't matter, right? If anyone were to be cruel about something they read on my site, it would say more about them than about me. And what it said would not be very complimentary.

The people that know me and love me and matter to me, not only don't mind my writing and opinion and humor, but pretty much look for it.

1 comment:

Kathryn in NZ said...

I for one love how your blog happens. So who matters? YOU do, to me. So there, with hugs :)
BTW, did my email with the explication get through ok??