Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Pottery and Pine Needles

This is a neat little piece with a story behind it. A long time ago where there were chat groups on America Online, I met a gal who made pine needle baskets. I'd just taken a Parks and Rec class on how to make one.

This gal was in need of long pine needles. They didn't grow where she lived.

I was on one of my walks through the neighborhood. A full lot of pine trees was cut down to make room for a new business. There were branches left on the ground after most of the clean-up was done. So I grabbed a few branches, stripped them of pine needles (that were still green), and mailed her a large box of them.

As a thank you, she send me this pretty piece of pottery that she made. She made the pot and the beads. Left holes in the edge of the pot, and did the pine needle basketry on top.

It's pretty and unique. My daughters have seen this in our home for most of their lives, but until recently, they didn't know the story behind it.

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