Monday, January 31, 2022

Clutter Clearing

Look who I had the pleasure of spending a day with! My Jodie!
[In her honor, every sentence will end in an exclamation point!]

She invited me over to her house to do what she terms, clearing out "small hoards!" I usually call these boxes of indecision!! It's a box used to temporarily move things out of sight when there is some other pressing matter at hand, and you just need to conceal and containerize the stuff to have some breathing room! Unfortunately, it's not unusual for these boxes to succumb to "Out of sight, out of mind!" Jodie has several of these boxes to process!

This kind of activity may sound like work to some, but we turn almost any kind of task into a game! To assist, I took along my sorting bins! The idea is to do a quick sort into one of these three bins, trying not to think too hard about it! Once a bin gets full, you deal with its contents before sorting any more! Then return to the quick sort!

We filled the "Give Away" bin twice, and the others once in the morning! After a yummy lunch prepared by son-in-law Kenny, Jodie and I took time to put everything away immediately, exactly where it belonged (or at least one step closer to its final home)! The "Throw Away" bin is the easiest! Then we took a road trip to give away the other items! Some small kitchen appliances found a great new home in an after-school program where kids learn to cook!

In the process of finding places for the "Put Away" items, we washed some vintage Pyrex bakeware, cleared out three shelves in the kitchen pantry, and two large storage shelves in the garage! By the end of the day, we'd cleared two boxes of items that had previously lost their homes!

My sorting bins are a nice size: 22 inches high x 14.5" wide x 14.5" deep and a true extravagance!!  They are pretty and bright, and using them helps the job feel less like drudgery and more like an adventure! But plain ol' boxes with the same labels will do for a quick sort!

Job well done!!!!!

With work done, we spent the rest of the afternoon planning a family gathering! More fun to come soon! 

It was a fantastic way to spend one-on-one time with my daughter!!! It happens all too rarely during this pandemic!!!!!

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