Friday, October 28, 2022

Harvest Time

Yesterday I harvested my little pumpkins!

I have 22 gourds altogether in 5 different colorways. I think some of those green pumpkins may have turned more orange if they'd had more time on the vine. I turned that round one toward the center of the photo upside down to show how the color changed.

But, you know, I planted late in the season, mid-July, and I wanted to harvest them by Halloween. They're "curing" in the back yard for a couple days.

The largest is a bit smaller than a cantaloupe. The tiny one is smaller than my thumb.

They're all so sweet. I adore that I got so many varieties from my small patch.

These will all be used for decoration.

I'll save the seeds at the end of the season. I'm fairly confident that I'll grow some again next year -- but get an earlier start in the planting.

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