Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A Seasonal Stitch

I started a new cross-stitch project today. This one's for Independence Day. It's called Flag of Stars by designer Bent Creek. But do you see? It even has a heart dancing among the stars!

It came as a kit with linen fabric and perle coton threads. I enjoy stitching with this thread instead of 6-strand floss as a change of pace. I seem to be stitching much faster since I don't have to divide and recombine strands. The perle coton makes for nice full chunky stitches. 

The limited color pallet of two blues, two reds, and white is another reason this should be a quick stitch.

My plan is to sew this into a small pillow cover. Who knows? I may even finish it in the next couple weeks in time for the holiday!

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