Monday, June 17, 2024

Another Small Step

This morning I was bemoaning how I set so many goals for myself in a wide variety of interests that I have difficulty seeing myself make progress. I have a hard time paring down my desires to a reasonable amount.

So today I picked one small goal on my 2024 list, and decided to do it: install my digital microscope program onto my new computer and get reacquainted with the software. I don't adapt to new equipment easily. Adding software myself instead of reeling Dale in to do it for me is more of a challenge than it ought to be. But I managed it.

Software installed. Equipment set up. Test photos taken. These are some enameled earrings I acquired in my giraffe-gathering years. Now that my ears are pierced again, I can wear them when I'm feeling quirky.

What do you think? My new profile picture?

It's nice to be able to cross this little goal off the list. It only took ten months -- and one hour.

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