Saturday, June 8, 2024

Celebri Cats

Puzzle time again. This one's a little different.

It's called Celebri Cats because each cat pictured is dressed as a celebrity. Unusual.

The puzzle is by the company Ginger Fox. They attempt to be somewhat sustainable. For example, the puzzle pieces were packaged in a paper bag, rather than plastic. Very tidy.

It came with a nice size reference poster - the same size as the box. On the front is a clear image of what the puzzle will look like when complete. On the back it depicts who the cats are representing.

My favorite is definitely Pablo Picatso

Moggy Osbourne also tickled me.

The back of the box has a couple QR codes pointing to the Ginger Fox website and its sustainability promise.

This puzzle was a decent quality and made for a nice few hours of distraction.

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