Thursday, June 13, 2024

Throwback Thursday: Respite

I took this photo in late Spring of 2008. 

Looking at the photo returns me to the place and feelings of that day.

Nine months earlier I received a diagnosis of my mental condition. I was doing all the things to try and get better, and it was working. Part of that regimen was daily exercise.

Walking through my neighborhood, I spotted this tree across the street. I'd been reminiscing about an old friend, wondering how they were doing. I imagined how nice it would be to sit under that beautiful blooming tree and have a deep, long conversation.

I took a picture. I finished my walk. I went on with my day.

Now I absorb this image and can still feel the tug on my heart.

That's a big part of what I love about photography. An image captures not only the moment, but can be a time machine that returns me to all the senses.

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