I recently read something that made a lot of sense to me. The underlying beliefs of all the major religions are very similar at their core. Religions are often the door through which we enter to touch those principles and connect with those things that resonate and make our lives tick.
But sometimes, the trappings of the religion get in the way of the connection and that particular door closes for a time. Then we need to keep looking until we find another door that opens to those core principles.
I don't feel like I'm saying it very well right now, but maybe the jist of what I'm saying is coming through anyway.
This certainly is where my own life is right now. For years and years I was in love with the Catholic church. I found my sustenance there. I could tap into God through the ritual and the liturgy. I especially found my way to my core beliefs when I led music as a cantor for years and years. When I sang the prayers, I could believe better, I could be more full of light and life.
Then some things happened that squeezed the light out. Instead of tapping into God through church, the trappings got in the way. I'd go to church to be fed, but walk away more hungry than ever, depleted, discouraged. So I decided to take a break for a while.
Now I am exploring, looking for other methods, other pathways, to connect to that core, to the underlying principles, to God, to love of neighbor and self. I do feel progress.
At the same time, my heart yearns for the community of my personal tradition. I do believe that I will eventually find a Catholic community that I can be a full member of once again. But until that happens, I'll follow the side road God is leading me on now.
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