Saturday, March 8, 2008


One of the most challenging times in my life was the period after I separated from my first husband twenty years ago. I had two baby girls in diapers. The youngest had just turned one. The oldest was not quite three. We lived in a women's shelter for the first six weeks until I got on my feet a little.

You better believe I asked for help during that time!

Asking for help for myself was hard. But asking for help for my girls, well, that was easy. We left with almost nothing. A very few clothes. Not even a single baby bottle. I had to ask for help with everything else for the first few weeks.

That period in my life taught me what true humility is.

I've always been a high achiever. Being brought low helped me experience the entire path from inferiority to excellence. I could not have made it without asking for help from others.

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