Monday, January 12, 2009

Which Way Do I Go?

I'm fast becoming a fan of Martha Beck. I'm into the fourth chapter of Finding Your Own North Star. The exercises she presents are quite powerful!

The above quotation was actually found on Oprah's website, rather than in the book (or, what I've read so far), but it speaks to the same notion. Gravitate towards "Yes!"

What are you drawn to?
What do you do when you are most 'on'?
What are you naturally good at?
What parts of your job do you love?
What experiences have you had when people tell you that you're glowing?
What do you have excellent memory for?
What naturally makes you feel good?

Notice those things. Go in that direction.

Sure, the whole plan may not be laid out in front of you. But you're smart. You're intuitive. You can figure it out as you go.

But you have to start. Start paying attention. Start changing the direction your feet travel. Start making little investments of time and energy. Start thinking different thoughts. Start imagining some possibilities.

Which way will you go?

Each challenge holds the key to its own solution. You can take the first step and trust that each successive step will be revealed. You can pick up the cues along the way, and make reasonable decisions to light your way.

So just start. Pay attention, and begin.

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