Saturday, August 15, 2020

In The Weeds

 It was a beautiful morning for a walk around the wetlands. Clear skies. Not yet hot -- it's likely to get up to 103 degrees today! Not too many people out and about that I had to dodge without pulling up my mask. I'm listening to a good book that I only listen to while on a walk. The practice of book-plus-walk is a strategy that gets me outside for some fresh air and change of scenery, much needed during isolation. 

The wetlands are looking crispy instead of lush right now. Tucked among the cattails, thistles, Queen Anne's Lace, and bachelor buttons are some wild blackberries. I stop to gather a few on each lap.

It was at about this spot when a bee (hornet?) stung me just above my left wrist. That was over a week ago. The swelling finally went down and my skin is not as red and angry-looking as it was for several days. But nine days later, my forearm is still pink and itchy.

Yet, I'm not angry. The natural wildlife was reminding me that this is their territory and I'm a guest. I really do love living here.

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