Saturday, August 8, 2020

Next Off My Needle

 I picked my next stitching project! 

I'm actually picking up a piece I started last year in May: You Are What You Eat

I'd gotten as far as stitching in some grid lines, outlining the three sections, stitching the center fishbowl, and stitching most of the cat in the left section.

So yesterday I broke in my new "stitching nest." We bought a glider/rocker for the living room. I set up my floor frame in front of it and a full-spectrum light next to it. I can use the footstool or window sill to hold my threads, scissors, thread conditioner, etc. Yesterday I finished the fishbowl outline and bubbles.

Today I started the fish.

The finished piece will be for my daughter Jeanne. Let's hope it's a house-warming gift because she'll have moved to Oregon by the time I finish it. I'm so looking forward to having her live close!

This is also a step in one of my 20 Goals in 2020 alternative goals: to finish 20 projects I've started or have kitted up. This will be the fourth such project.

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