Thursday, October 22, 2020

Pumpkins and the Blackbird

 I got an itch to stitch, so found this adorable design by Lynn B to begin yesterday.

I got a good start last night

Then picked up my needle again this morning and stitched while catching up on YouTube videos. I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention to the stitching, though. I finished the letters, the bird and the pumpkin, then started on the border. But things weren't falling into place. It took me a while to figure out why.

Ooops. I stitched to *I*s. It didn't take much to rip things out and get back on track. I stitched more tonight while watching the presidential debate and made some excellent progress. This is where I'm leaving it tonight.

Depending on our activities, there's a chance I could finish the stitching tomorrow. I have plans to finish it in a way I've never tried before. It's something in between an ornament and a framed piece. When it's done, I'll display it with my pumpkin patch.

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