Thursday, December 3, 2020

Cotton Penguin

Here's another of the Grandbaby Craft Kits. It's a non-specific-holiday craft that can be appropriate anytime.

I found this printable pattern on the Glued to My Crafts blog. After printing it out, I decided to cut it to size, including cutting off the feet. That way I could make feet for the Littles to glue in place. I decided the cotton balls I had on hand were too big, so I cut them in fourths. I also pre-cut the beaks.

I found these crazy googly eyes in my stash. They come in about six colors, so I put a variety in the kit. Each child can pick her favorite.

I have a couple more things to pull together, but I hope to send the box off to Idaho this week.


Inspired by Stacey Gibbon of Glued to My Crafts and found on Pinterest

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