Sunday, December 20, 2020

Silver Doily Wreaths

I made a couple silver wreaths for the cost of one dollar. This is one of those ideas that sort of worked, but not exactly.

The silver ring was left over from one of my Grandbaby Craft Kits. I'd used the solid center of the big doilies to make the stars for the tops of the Dotted Trees. I was going to throw the rest of the paper doily away, when I got the bright idea to turn them into wreaths that could hang on either side of the garage door, surrounding the lights.

I bought a piece of foam core from Dollar Tree. That was my one expense. I cut the foam core into rings and glued the silver doily on top. I found the pretty glittery blue striped ribbon in my stash and made the bows. Each bow is two yards of ribbon. 

Then I tried a number of ideas for simple decoration. I attempted buttons, glitter pipe cleaners formed into interesting shapes, and pompoms (which nearly worked). I landed on large sequins in two shades of blue. I thought the silver doily, glittery ribbon, and sequins would reflect a soft glow from the garage lights and be a simple addition to the house when viewed from the street.

Alas, the wreaths are too small to fit around the lights, and too lightweight to stay put at our second option. The wind would have carried them away, for sure. 

So they're in the house, framing the window by the Christmas tree. They'll be a one-Christmas decoration. 

Some crafts are more successful than others. But it's nearly always fun to try out a new idea.

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