Sunday, December 13, 2020

Silver and Blue

Dale and I are starting to pull together the Christmas decorations. Nothing is in place inside the house yet. We're working with a silver and blue theme.

First, I got some pillow covers for the cushions in living room. Both are silver designs on a navy blue background. Chic!

I found the Christmas tabletop tree at a local drug store on sale for half price. It's about one foot tall. The huge container of plastic ornaments was free! I take part in a local "Buy Nothing" Facebook group where people offer items for free, or you can ask for items you need. It's a way to live more sustainably and to help others in your community. 

These silver "wreaths" are paper doilies. I used the centers as stars on my Grandbaby Craft Kit Dotted Tree. My current thinking is to mount the doilies on cardboard or foam core, then decorate them simply -- perhaps with some of the blue ornaments (above). Add a bow. Hang them near the lamps on either side of the garage door. I haven't worked out any of the details yet.

I hope inspiration arrives soon because the living room is looking a bit bleak. 

Dale's had several nice "wins" today. He sold two suitcases through Facebook Marketplace. He has a nibble on selling one of our old side tables. He dropped the last two gift packages off at the UPS Store. He even figured out the gift for his mom (that's always tricky). All-in-all, a positive weekend for us.

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