Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Glitter Critters

I made a little somethin'-somethin' for the neighbor kids who live next door: glitter ornaments for their Christmas tree!

For Aaron, I chose three dinosaurs. For Karina, two Pegasus and a teddy bear.

The first step was to make a way to hang the critters. For most, I used an eye hook, screwed into their backs. For the dimetrodon, I punched a horizontal hole.

I used a partially open paperclip as a temporary hanger. Then using a paint brush, I covered each critter with a layer of Mod Podge.

Then I poured some ultra-fine glitter all over the animals until they were completely covered. I wasn't shy about how much glitter I used. I wanted the critters completely covered.

I attached the wet glittered ornaments to a vertical grid so they could hang to dry. I left them alone for about a half hour. Then I took them outside to give them a liberal covering of hairspray, and let them dry again. Hairspray helps to keep glitter fallout to a minimum.

The last step was to remove the paperclip and thread in some clear fishing line.

The dinosaurs don't look nearly as terrifying when they're all dressed up for Christmas.

The unicorns and the bear look all that more cuddly. 

Now ... to clean up the glitter that's sprayed all over my worktable!

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