Sunday, February 21, 2021

100 Days

I'm grateful to have my meditation practice again. I'd lost it for most of 2020. Then I heard a suggestion to change it up a little bit.

So now, instead of making meditation part of my morning routine, I moved the time of day. First I tried it before bedtime, which worked fairly well except that it knocked my sleeping schedule off with Dale's sleeping schedule.

For now, I meditate in the afternoon. My intention is to go for a walk while listening to an audiobook after lunch each day, then meditate after that as a way to rest after my walk.

I've also changed up the amount of time I meditate from 15 - 20 min per day to 5 - 15 min per day. In other words, I'm cutting myself some slack. This Covid isolation stuff is getting to me, so I'm lowering the expectations I place on myself.

So far, here's the result!

This practice of presence does help. I'm reminded to note when my mind starts running in circles. When I see it, I can switch gears and do something that brings me into the present moment (needs close attention). I find my contentment is just around the bend.

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