Saturday, February 20, 2021

Pigeon Pals

Over the long  Valentine's Day / President's Day weekend, Dale and I spent lots of hours side by side, including putting this 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle together. It's another illustration by Charles Wysocki ... and, I believe, the first one that I've seen without an American flag. Quite unusual.

It's called Pigeon Pals and features a couple men who raise and race pigeons. That's a trade I rarely see in the 21st century.

This is another image with fun details, like the birds nesting in the hayloft.

Then there's this cat sunning itself on a birch wood chair.

Parts of this puzzle were not fun to put together at all, like the greens in the upper two corners. But the wisteria fell into place rather nicely, along with this pigeon flying in the golden light.

Can you spot the heart in the image?

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