Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Crochet Kitty Purse

I finished another little girl purse for Bags of Love. It's sweet. Only six inches tall and 5 inches wide. It's constructed primarily in single crochet, then a bit of added embroidery on the front. I also added some safety eyes.

I found the idea on Pinterest. The original blog post is from the A Crafty Concept blog. 

Unfortunately, I found the directions were somewhat hard to follow even though they were thorough and had lots of photos. So I ended up doing the ears and handle my own way.

The back is plain.

I wavered on whether or not to add a mouth, but decided against it since the original pattern doesn't call for one.

Now that I have the general concept figured out, I've started a second purse for my granddaughter Melody. Her birthday is coming up and her themes are rainbows and "kittycorns" - a cat with a unicorn horn. Apparently that's a thing these days, because Dale and I found lots of examples of possible gifts on that magical beast. 

I'll be making her purse a bit larger since she's a seven year old now. (How did that happen?) I still need to figure out how to add a sparkly unicorn horn to the cat's forehead. I might embroider a mouth on hers too.

I'm still mulling it over in my head, but hope to complete the kittycorn purse today.

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