Thursday, May 23, 2024

Melody's Kitty Purse

She's done. That's the best I can say about her.

Sometimes projects go well. Sometimes they're a challenge. Put this one in the "challenge" column.

My granddaughter wants a birthday with rainbows and kittycorns ... kittens with unicorn horns. I tried. I really did. Several times. But THIS was my best effort. Sigh.

After consultation with Melody's mom and dad, they laughed and said it was ok, but that they could remove the unicorn horn if Melody didn't like it. 

That was reason enough to take it back in my own hands. I unwrapped the present. I pulled out all the yarn and crochet supplies I'd already put away. I removed the horn ... and of course, cut some of the yarn in the kitty's "forehead." There was no easy way to fix it without unraveling a whole bunch of the top of the cat and the handle, then remaking it.

I wasn't about to do that. This purse had already been too much of a challenge. I worked on it most of the day yesterday and was totally beat.

So ... I stitched the hole up with yarn and thread as best as I could. Then I added a bow.

As a needleworker, there's a whole lot about this purse that I don't like. BUT ... as a grandmother, I can look at it through different eyes.

No, it's not the colors I'd originally envisioned. The whiskers and the nose and the mouth barely show up but I was using the yarn I had on hand. The proportions seem off. The finished purse was a bear to try and photograph. I just couldn't get the lighting right. Editing the photos barely helped.

But it's done. It's a cat. And Melody's Mimi went out of her way to try and make something special. 

I have lots more years to make lots more special objects for my very, very, very special girl.

:: shrug ::

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