Monday, July 8, 2024

A Closer Look: Hydrangea for Her

Look what a lovely gift my daughter Jodie gave to me this morning!

A bouquet of hydrangea fresh from her garden! She has two enormous bushes in her front yard, laden with flowers.

The extreme temperatures are turning them into crispy critters, so Jodie decided to pick a bouquet for me while they still held color. The bigger bush is turning quite brown, so she rescued these from the smaller bush. She put them in the cobalt blue glass vase because it complements our dishes. The bouquet is gorgeous as the centerpiece of our dining room table.

I couldn't resist taking a closer look. This is the underside of a single floret from the hydrangea cluster (or corymb).

This is the masterpiece!

I love how beautiful things become even more beautiful to me when I take the time to look more closely. 

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