Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Half Way Day

So ... we're half way through the year! I haven't talked a lot about this year's annual goals here on my blog, but I have been working on them. So let's do a check-in and see how things are going.

My Trifecta:

Word of the Year: Kindsight
Pay attention when my hurtful thoughts arrive. Talk to myself about them gently. Treat my younger self with kindness. 

Objective of the Year: Loving Kindness
Give special gifts to special people ... thoughtful, purposeful, deliberate. Gifts of action are given preference over material gifts.

Creative Goal: Fulfill Dreams of Yesteryear
Buy very few new crafty items. If I add to my stash, it's with thrifted/gifted/used materials. Primarily use stash on hand for new crafty ideas. Complete crafts projects bought years ago that are kitted up.

            Completed Goals:

  1. Donated time and talent to Bags of Love  (over 150 bookmarks and 11 crocheted purses)
  2. Made 24 crafts from pre-owned supplies (closer to 35 so far)
  3. Painted some rocks
  4. Found 24 geocaches (many more, actually)
  5. Updated my Daily Dance to include additional exercises and activities to improve my health
  6. Processed the jewelry I inherited from my mother-in-law
  7. Installed the software for my digital microscope on my new computer
  8. Planted pumpkins, strawberries, morning glories, sunflowers, and viola
  9. Read a friend's story that he asked me to read quite a while ago

    Goals in Progress:

  10. Sent cards and seasonal gifts to grandkids that live far away (2 holidays so far)
  11. Gave special gifts to special people (8 so far)
  12. Completed 15 out of 24 books (read or listened to audiobooks)
  13. Started the Summer of Judy Blume  -- 29 children's and young adult books (finished 5-1/2 books so far
  14. Visited 18 out of 24 parks
  15. Drove to 9 out of 10 destinations (to help me get used to driving again post pandemic)
  16. Completed 16 out of 24 jigsaw puzzles
I'd say I'm right on track. More than half way done with my personal goals by Half Way Day!

In addition:

            Completed Joint Goals with Dale:
  1. Installed new air conditioner
  2. Installed new water heater
  3. Had my 10,000 mile car appointment
  4. Drove to Moscow, Idaho for Annalee's birthday
  5. Drove to Moscow again for Melody's birthday
  6. Continuing #tuesdaytravels together
  7. Continuing the Eugene Park Tour together
  8. Continuing to find geocaches together

I suppose this appears excessive to some folks. But a gal like me enjoys challenging myself and winning gold stars. I find it fun and an encouragement, not a burden. Accomplishment is my thing.


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