Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Noodles for Brains

I haven't been blogging regularly. My moods have been all over the place for the last week. The excessive heat. The national politics. Haunting memories. They all get jumbled up in my noggin. Then it feels like I have noodles for brains.

Colorful noodles, true, but noodles none-the-less.

It becomes a challenge to go from start to finish on projects. Things I started out doing for fun become tasks that need to be completed. Not fun. Progress. Starts and stops. It's hard to find concrete ideas I want to write about. It's a test to try to take and (especially) edit pictures worth sharing.

So maybe I'll go outside and read another Judy Blume book. Or maybe I'll get waylaid by some shiny object that crosses my path on the short walk downstairs from my Studio to our backyard.

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