Saturday, October 11, 2008

Calm It Down

Yyyyeeahh. I was born with that volatile gene.

When something goes a little haywire in my life, I tend to throw energy at it and the little something becomes too big of a deal. I hurry the situation into unraveling.

I try to take lessons from my husband. He is exceptional in his ability to give people and situations the benefit of the doubt. He knows how to go forward slowly, cautiously, calmly. He sets an excellent example of how to let situations unfold.

I'm not quite sure why this is such a tough lesson for me to learn. To take a breath. Take a beat. Pause. Consider that something might be going on that's quite different from the conclusion that I jump to first.

How does one learn to change something that is so ingrained? My blood pressure would appreciate an answer.

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