Friday, June 29, 2018

Wounded Winged Things

I had a strange series of encounters with flying animals today.

First, there was a bee or wasp sitting on my living room chair back. Using a custard cup and an envelope, I was able to catch it and take it outside, releasing it on the small cafe table on our front porch.

I went back inside to dress for my walk, and I found another winged bug of some kind ... like a super giant mosquito-looking thing ... sitting on the shade of our floor lamp. It was bigger that the bee/wasp and on a rounded surface, but my custard cup and envelope trick worked again, once I got it to fly into the cup. I took it out to the table on the porch, too, to release it. And the bee was still there!

Then I finished dressing for my walk. When I passed the table, both winged things were still just sitting there. I don't think they were well.

About a half mile into my walk, I came upon another distressed creature. This time it was this butterfly, sitting right in the middle of the sidewalk. It was so still, with the breeze batting its wings around. It appears the bottom of the wings are tattered. I didn't know how to help it, so took this photo and walked on.

On my way back home I saw a group of bicycle-riding boys stop to examine the butterfly. The tenderhearted boy (the one who was looking out for his little brother) was able to pick up the butterfly and at least put it in the cooler grass.

But how strange was that to come across three injured flying things in a row? I was stumped on how to help any of them, except to not kill the bugs outright who inhabited my living room.

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