Friday, May 17, 2019

Succulent Terrarium

Guest blogger Jeanne here. Margaret's #1 daughter!

My mom and I like to go to the Dollar Tree together to browse the shelves for anything that strikes our fancy. Most of the time, I get household supplies while she stocks up on craft goodies.

We took a trip there this last Tuesday. My mom's half of the cart started filling up with stickers and ribbon and other fun craft items, while mine was empty except for some tape I remembered I'd run out of recently.

"You always buy such practical items!" She teased.

"It's hard for me to buy anything I don't need," I said.

That's when I spotted the tiny potted plants. I commented that I used to have plants until my cats kept eating them and I gave up growing anything else.

"You could make a terrarium," she suggested.

A moment's thought, then, "OK! I'll buy something fun this time!"

Five plants, a container, a foam base, and some pretty white rocks later, and I had myself the makings for a pet-friendly plant farm.

This little project only took me 10 or 15 minutes to put together, and I'm happy to have some plants in my home again.

Thanks, Mom, for encouraging me to get a little creative!


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