Friday, March 6, 2020

Child's Play

I got to interact with three kids this week, though none of them in person.

I had the opportunity to Skype with my munchkin granddaughters twice! Today they showed me their equestrian skills.

Skype screenshot, so it's a bit blurry.

A couple days ago, Dale and I went to Ruff Park in Springfield, Oregon. It's known for it's beautiful magnolia trees that are just about to pop into bloom. It's also known as a great place to hide and to find painted rocks. I found this big smooth rock under a tree. It's larger than the palm of my hand.

We think it's a rain cloud. Do you agree?

I've never met Aiden, Age 6. So thank you, Aiden! You made my day! It was fun to find your painted rock. I'll re-hide it soon so another painted rock hound can have a bit of joy.

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