Thursday, March 19, 2020

Throwback Thursday - 2006 Part 11

Here are the final three projects I completed in September 2006. The first two are counted cross-stitch. The last is felt craft. 

Star Angel

Here's the last of the snowmen angel quilt squares. These designs present by The American School of Needlework are from the mind of Marilyn Frable from the booklet Angelic Snowmen. The squares were combined and made into a quilt for charity.


This is the fourth of twelve ornaments in the 12 Blessings of Christmas set. I'd already stitched Song, Love and Hope. The tiny charm popping out of the top of the stocking is a teddy bear.

Pumpkin Basket

Here's a different kind of embroidered piece. This jack-o-lantern pattern was spotted in a Keepsake Quilting catalog. I fell in love with his jaunty face!

This jack is about a foot tall and a foot wide. It's made of a double layer of felt, glued and sewn together.

The embroidery is mostly blanket stitch and stitched by hand. The leaves have running stitch stems. The eyes are French Knots and the eyebrows are stem stitch.

The handle is wired so it is sturdy and stands up. The nose is a yo-yo made of the same felt and stuffed with fiberfill (the pattern called for a painted wooden dome).

I'm so pleased with how he came together. I've used him every Halloween since 2006 to hold the candy that I hand out to the costumed kids who ring my doorbell.

I spent much of October 2006 with my crochet hook in my hand. I'll show those photos on the next #throwbackthursday.

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