Sunday, November 15, 2020


I'm happy to announce that I've completed all of my 20 Goals in 2020!

Having them all done by mid-November is a record for me. Without doubt, it's because I've been homebound during much of this pandemic. It's also because most of my goals did not involve going outside or having to rely on the company of other people.

Having this massive set of goals helped me stay sane. It gave me focus. I had something tangible to work toward. I've earned my gold stars.

I hope that going forward, I don't become rudderless. Our governor ordered Oregon to "freeze" due to the rising Covid cases. It's not a total lockdown, but we have additional restrictions. It looks like I'll need to find ways to stay occupied here at home for quite some time to come. 

Time to settle in some more, do more crafts, read, watch movies, take photos. Whatever comes my way, I'm quite likely to document it here on my blog.

Let's see what opportunities present themselves.

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