Saturday, June 15, 2019

Dog Kennel - part 2

A little update on a project that gives me more joy than it ought to.

Today we gave the dog kennel a plywood floor. Out with the 25 year old particle board that was falling apart from having gotten repeatedly wet over the years. In with a plywood floor cut to size.

It's really not a big deal. We had the plywood on hand, for some unknown reason. It's fairly weathered itself. Dale fit the plywood to size, notching the end to fit around the posts so that we no longer will trip on the threshold. That will be a nice change after over two decades.

Dale did the measuring (because Dale = good with numbers and measuring; Margaret = not so much). I was his Girl Friday, holding the boards steady, passing him tools, leveling out the gravel base that we covered with the plywood, helping with clean-up.

Then we added the winter tires, Dale's telescope case, Melody's wagon, and the wheelbarrow. So tidy, with lots of room to spare. There's plenty of room for the patio furniture when the cooler weather arrives.

Crazy what makes my heart sing.

Plus ... I spent the morning in my Studio altering half of my new clothes while listening to podcasts. Any day with a needle in my hand is a good day. Then I had a text conversation with my brother Barry. This, all wrapped around a gorgeous summer day with a light breeze and lots of robins, quail, and blackbirds playing tag on our block. Today, all is right with my world.

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