Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Dog Kennel

When we bought our home 26 years ago, it came with a large and very nice dog kennel. It was a selling point because we'd promised our daughter Julie that once we bought a house, she could have a dog.

Well, we got a dog named Trixie, but she didn't last long with our family. We were ill-equipped to train her and help her become part of the family, so we took her back to the adoption place. Julie got a cat instead.

So the dog kennel that sits at the top of a hill behind our garage turned into a default storage unit, holding studded tires in the summer months and patio furniture in the winter. Among lots of other stuff, obviously. Over the years, it got to looking pretty sketchy. The photo below is from nine years ago (check out the size of the trees in the background!) Bad as it looked then, it was much worse now.

So this year I made fixing up the dog kennel one of my 19 in 2019 goals. Dale cleared it out. We gave it a good power wash. We used whatever leftover white paint we had to spruce up the wood. Over the last few weeks, I added the privacy webbing to the chain link fence.

We still need to pull out the old chipboard floor, rake the gravel into something more level, and put down a plywood floor. We also need to find a solution for the sagging roof. We have some ideas, so that shouldn't take long.

I think I get to call my part of this project a win! It sure has improved the look of our back yard!



Hosey Cow will soon have a new home. We bought it for Jodie for a birthday back when it came out ::mumble-mumble:: years ago. Now Jodie has a home and yard of her own. Soon, Hosey Cow will grace Jodie's back yard.  

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