Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Swag Lady

Though I've met my 19 in 2019 goal by sharing ten of my Ladies of the Evening, I've decided to continue photographing and writing about some of other beaded bags in my collection.

May I present ... Swag Lady

I named this lovely lady for the swags of pearl beads that drip over a layer of opalescent sequins. This evening bag is completely beaded on both sides. The final row of swags from a fringe at the bottom of the bag.

She is constructed completely of fabric. The "D" shaped metal handles are simply sewn into the hemmed upper edge. Because of the way the metal is stamped, it adds facets that catch the light.

Swag Lady measures 4-1/4 inches wide at the opening, 6-1/2 inches wide at the bottom, and is about 5 inches tall. The "D" shaped metal handles add another 3 inches to the length. She's a nice size for an evening bag, but too small for a smartphone.  (Who needs one of those when you're out for a fancy evening, anyway?)

She closes at the top with a simple snap. While the snap is secure, small item can still easily escape if she gets tipped upside down. Inside is a fairly spacious pocket, considering the moderate size of this purse.

Unfortunately, she does show signs of wear. Though there are no lost or loose beads, there is discoloration along the opening, and some cosmetic stains on the inside.

But that is quite easy to overlook because all the sequins and beading are simply delightful.

I have no recollection of how I acquired this little miss. She may have been a gift from one of my daughters ... or I may have found her on eBay.

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